
eerie follow-up

So after _finally_ deciding to give my blog a very well-deserved update (it's been over 2 years now), I read the last post I made and it was eerie. I complained about the bridesmaid dress & that I hated big weddings, and it's now almost time for my own. I am keeping it really small (16 people including ourselves and 3 children) b/c I just want the focus to be on us and what is really important. None of the fanfare or worries about the dress or the DJ or the video guy...wish me luck!

We got engaged later that year (2001) and we're getting married December 20th. Yes, a December wedding as I had written about before, AND I am not wearing that dress I described, but I am wearing a (faux) fur muff. No real fur for me, thanks.

So much has happened in these past 2 years +...September 11th comes to mind right away. Here I was, writing innocently in the summer of 2001, and who was I to know that the infamous 9/11 was right around the corner. I was pretty close (5 blocks) and I actually just participated in the World Trade Center study about health & stuff. I was close enough to qualify, so I guess that makes me one of those people they might consider the most affected. And I'll tell you, I didn't need no expose to find out that the Bush Administration lied to us about the air quality down there (though, for a sense of personal vindication, it was pretty nice).

It's funny...I just set up a blog site for work too, and that doesn't seem as authentic, because, well, it's not. I'm like this shadow self, writing about what happens at Teachers Network.

I'm not a teacher anymore, I'm an employee of an education non-profit, the aforementioned Teachers Network. The people who work with me are all really nice...minimal attitude, but kind of vanilla. Everyone's very straight-laced. Maybe everyone hides their zany side really well, but I feel like I am about to burst. I miss being able to be who I really am, but I felt that way when I was teaching also. But not as bad. My students knew who I really was (after a time) and it was all good.

I miss teaching. I miss it being me + my students in the classroom...but I'm not sure I'd be too happy teaching this year anyway. I would NOT do well with one of those prescribed curriculums and it bugs the hell out of me that they exist. What bothers me the MOST are other teachers who support and even WANT them. It's fucking ridiculous! I enjoyed creating lessons, using my creativity and my personality to see it through. I worked as a teacher, and it felt good. I'm not sure I'm doing something as important these days.

We are getting into professional development, which is something that I really want to get more into myself, so that's pretty cool. And the people I work with are nice as hell and appreciate me. And I am making a lot of connections and making presentations (NYU offered me a class to teach, but it didn't work out time-wise). So who am I to bitch?

More later...